Active Generations East Vaccination Event
Are you caught up with your vaccinations? Click on any of the vaccine links below to learn more!
Immunizations regularly recommended
for individuals aged 50 years & older include:
- Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis; protects against whooping cough) - a booster every 10 years is recommended
- Pneumococcal vaccines - protect against pneumococcal disease, including infections in the lungs and bloodstream; typically vaccination occurs at 65 years of age, but certain health conditions may warrant earlier vaccination
- RSVVaccine (Arexvy, Abrysvo) – protects against lower respiratory tract disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) – approved for those aged 60 and older
- Zoster vaccine (Shingrix) - protects against shingles (recommended even if you have received Zostavax vaccine in the past) – approved for those aged 50 and older
- COVID 2023-2024 vaccine –recommended to receive a COVID-19 2023-2024 dose to update your immunity against the COVID-19 virus; if you are immunocompromised, you may receive an additional dose of vaccine for sustained protection if it has been 2months since your last dose
Please complete the form below if you are interested in receiving any of the above vaccinations a this event; a Lewis Drug pharmacist will be in touch with you to discuss your eligibility & answer any questions you may have about the vaccines. Questions may be directed to: Sara Hicks, PharmD 605-367-2839
- Thank you for your interest in your health and getting up-to-date with your vaccinations!